Discover the South of the Isle of Man - Walk Port St Mary to Port Erin

The south of the Island has much to offer, from heritage sites to adventurous walks, seaside villages and an abundance of local food and drink. This can all be experienced in a walk between Port Erin and Port St Mary!

A walk from Port St Mary to Port Erin takes in, not only the two seaside Manx villages, but a microcosm of everything beautiful about Isle of Man scenery. New views are presented at every turn, from the twinkling glisten of the sea and the majestic wonder of The Chasms to the vast expanse of Spanish Head and the tranquil calm of The Sound. It’s all there on this decent trek which can range from anywhere between 6 to 9 miles, depending on how fit you’re feeling and how you adapt the walk.

Port St Mary

The walk can be done from either Port Erin or Port St Mary, but we prefer to start at Port St Mary, the quaint and cute fishing village, a place which truly comes alive during summer days. Cornerhouse Coffee sums up the laid-back pace of Port St Mary and is a great place to grab a slice of cake and refreshments. Alternatively the Sugarloaf Cafe just up the road is also known for its great home baked speciality cakes! If arriving by car, park near the harbour (plenty of free parking!) and walk forward onto Clifton Road, along the edge of Port St Mary Golf links.


Eventually, you’ll follow the track skimming above Perwick Bay, and through fields, grassy footpaths and before you know it you’ll be near the stunning magnificence of The Chasms.


The viewing point here will give you access to the dramatic power of these geological marvels, jutting out from the sea, like rugged ancient warriors below the edge of the cliff face. Depending on the time of the year you may spot the many Guillemots or Razorbills that come and nest on the cliffs beside the mighty Sugarloaf rock.


After that stop-off you continue walking uphill and you’ll see an old abandoned house - the former Chasms cafe. Here, if you wish you can gain a closer look at the Chasms, the deep rock fissures but take care as the path skirts between deep holes in the ground (you can avoid this section if you wish).


Onwards towards Spanish Head, look out for rock climbers, this is one of the Isle of Man's rock climbing paradises!


Purple heather and blazing gorse will be strewn across the coast and soon enough the Calf of Man will be visible as you descend on the meandering path.

Calf of man

Head towards The Sound Cafe’ and bask in the magnificent view. Their fresh food and refreshing drinks are a perfect way to break up the day’s walk and, if you’re lucky, you may catch a sight of babbling grey seals who often take residence on choppy waters.


After your refreshments, you can re-commence the trek into Port Erin. This will involve yet more ascending and clifftop walking, so brace yourselves if you’re not the best with heights.

You’ll see the Thousla Cross, a unique memorial commemorating a rescue by men of Rushen parish as a French trade-ship "Jeaune St. Charles" came into difficulties in 1858. Beyond this, a steady incline continues towards headland. The beauty of the bay, along with more rugged coastline, gorse, heather and simple, understated natural splendour, is truly shining loud and true during this part of the walk.

Port Erin

Green spots of moss are interspersed with huge, beguiling rock formations as eventually, Port Erin comes into your eyeline as you descend.

One of the first places you will pass is The Bay Hotel, and a perfect end to this walk perhaps? With a pint of Bushy's real ale on the decking or wall outside the pub - perfect!


Port Erin

If in season, you could always train it back to Port St Mary and take in the sights at a more
leisurely pace, especially if you've got comfortable with a pint in the Bay! Failing that a bus ride will get you back in 5 minutes, or if on foot cut back along St Mary's Road, which in turn becomes the Truggan Road which leads you back into Port St Mary.

All in all a wonderful walk which we highly recommend.

If you wish to book a local guide, do get in touch with us and we can help arrange that for you.


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